Uptic Studios Partner Website

The Process Pedigree

A Reputation Built From the Ground Up

by Ben Bradley

One need not be formally trained at the finest schools to appreciate extraordinary design. In the presence of a space or item that boasts flawless design, the experience evokes a visceral feeling of pleasure and a deep-seated sense of contentment. The magic of design lies in its universality: anyone can appreciate it. But conjuring this feeling when given a slew of raw materials and an entirely blank canvas? That takes incredible skill and creative vision. For Julie and Matthew Collins, the husband-and-wife duo behind Uptic Studios, their gift for creating exceptional spaces has helped them develop a sterling reputation.

Perusing the staggering volume and breadth of work that Uptic has created over the years, it is easy to see why they continue to receive calls for new and exciting design projects. The quality of their work and exceptional skill in coordinating the myriad of a project’s moving parts have become hallmarks of Uptic’s design-build process. Fourteen years ago, Uptic Studios was born in the basement of the Collins family home in Spokane, Washington. Today the Uptic Studios team boasts 22 full-time staff, just one of many signs of the remarkable success that Matthew and Julie have fostered over the years. The striking growth has been remarkable, but for the two of them not a surprise as the goals for Uptic Studios were lofty right from the get-go.

From the first day, the vision was as clear as day for the Collinses. “At the very beginning, we chose to use the plural ‘studios’ in our name because we always envisioned a multidisciplinary design firm,” notes Julie. And Matthew adds, “Having multiple studios really allows us to deliver a truly integrated design approach.” Though things started modestly, it didn’t take long for Uptic to begin venturing into every corner of design.


“At the very beginning, we chose to use the plural ‘studios’ in our name because we always envisioned a multidisciplinary design firm. Having all design disciplines in-house really allows us to deliver a truly integrated design approach.”

–Julie and Matthew Collins, Founders, Uptic Studios

From bespoke custom homes to mixed commercial use buildings and restaurants, and even medical facilities and salmon ladders (no joke), Uptic Studios has managed to possess what many design firms aspire to have but few achieve: a successful and repeatable design approach that can be applied to truly any project type. At the heart of this ability to consistently deliver incredible results regardless of the opportunity is Uptic Studios’ love of complex design problems. “The more obtuse or challenging the design problem, the more excited our team is to really step up and deliver exceptional solutions,” says Matthew.

Whether designing and building a medical clinic within the existing infrastructure of a hospital without disrupting the day-to-day operations or managing to redevelop three single-family lots into a pre-fabricated 14-unit multi-family housing project, Uptic’s team thrives within dynamic environments. Uptic’s method for taming the madness of their intricate and varied projects is a simple one, but it is the bedrock on which the company has been built: deep connections with their clients.


After spending four to five weeks honing the floor plan, the Uptic team informed the client that they would be back with a design in the coming weeks. The client notes, “Two weeks later, Uptic sent us a video, and it was perfect. We never really changed the original look or style of the house, from the very first image they gave us. We said, ‘Let’s do it.’”

–Uptic Studios, Client & Homeowner

Identifying what ties the seemingly disparate types of projects together, Matthew notes, “The common thread is that we really build an intimate relationship with our client and the whole design and construction team.” When embarking on any new project, the Uptic team spends an incredible amount of time at the outset of the project to understand the goal and vision of each client before any design work begins, focusing on how each individual values and defines success. This ensures that the client’s unique conception provides the foundation for every project and will guide the hundreds of forthcoming decisions.

As early on as possible, the construction team is folded into these initial conversations to allow for the most integrative design approach. Throughout the early steps of the process, not only is the vision of the project coalescing, but just as importantly, the team is beginning to understand one another, identifying strengths and building trust. Though one could quickly attempt to dismiss the notion that good communication and team-building as an altogether trite summary of the path to success, the meaningful relationships the firm has built and the measurable excellence of their work prove the undeniable value of this philosophy.

The Collinses see quite clearly that, in order to achieve incredible results, every person who has a hand in the finished project must be given the latitude to do their best work. Matthew likens their role in the process to that of a mountain sherpa: guiding and orchestrating the entire team of designers and builders to the summit while holding firm to the initial vision of the client.


“Uptic’s professional demeanor and communication streamlined our field efforts.”

–Carter Ramsay, Project Contractor, RSInc

Exemplifying the kind of extraordinary teamwork and communication Uptic is known for, a recently completed custom home build in Ketchum perfectly highlights the efficacy of Uptic’s methodology. The client and homeowner, an Eastern Washington real estate developer who had used Uptic for several commercial projects, noted how the Uptic team really listened to their vision for the site, taking into account the important significant factors including the orientation of the architecture, which was critical to the project. After spending four to five weeks honing the floor plan, the Uptic team informed the client that they would be back with a design in the coming weeks. The client notes, “Two weeks later, Uptic sent us a video, and it was perfect. We never really changed the original look or style of the house, from the very first image they gave us. We said, ‘Let’s do it.’”

Carter Ramsay of RSInc, who served as the project’s general contractor, emphasized the importance of communication to the overall project. “Uptic’s professional demeanor and communication streamlined our field efforts,” says Ramsay. “This professional quality was most imbued by trust put forth to the RSInc project leadership.”

Part of Uptic Studios’ effective communication is powered by an unlikely source of technology: video game engines. Instead of poring over 2-D images and drawings, attempting to parse through and edit minute details using only pens and imagination, the Uptic Studios team uses the same technology leveraged in video game design to build detailed 3-D renderings of an entire project. Renderings that once took days and weeks can now be completed in seconds. This allowed the clients of the recent Ketchum project to virtually stroll through the home from hundreds of miles away, allowing for more collaboration and real-time design edits and adding to the overall efficiency of the project.

The entire design-build process for the home in Ketchum went so well that a final service new to Uptic Studios was requested: procurement. For the clients, the project simply wouldn’t have been complete without Uptic seeing to every finish, material, and piece of furniture in the home. “It was a great team effort, and it just had such synergy,” notes Julie. “For me, this project was really a career achievement.” The Uptic team is actively seeking new design opportunities in the Wood River Valley area to continue expanding their reach in the area and contributing to the community.

In putting the final finishing touches on the custom home in Ketchum, including furniture, artwork, and nearly every other physical detail of the space, an entirely new studio under the Uptic umbrella was born. Uptic Curated is the latest development for the firm as it continues to expand its offerings.

Despite their success and growth over the years, Matthew and Julie Collins have never strayed from their core passion to elevate the human experience and to leave the world better than they found it. Their devotion to design and their commitment to their clients and the team they’ve built will continue to serve as Uptic Studios’ north star, and it will ensure that they continue adding to their long list of satisfied clients.

“It was such a team effort, and it just had such synergy. For me, this project was really a career achievement.”

–Julie Collins, Founder, Uptic Studios
